A Guide to Your International World Yoga Alliance™ Logos, Registry Marks & Trademark Usage
Permission is Required to Use International World Yoga Alliance
Logo and Registry Mark Usage Guide
In order to maintain the design integrity of the logos and Registry Marks, we have a few recommendations for how to use the marks in your materials.
International World Yoga Alliance trademarks may only be used with written permission, and then only to the extent of and within the scope of the permission granted. Any use of a International World Yoga Alliance trademark that does not comply with such permission and this policy is not authorized. Valid registration with International World Yoga Alliance as an Registered Yoga School and Registered Yoga Teacher affords you the permission to use the Designation(s) for which you are validly registered.
Changing the appearance of a International World Yoga Alliance trademark or adding something to it does not mean that you are free to use the trademark without our permission.
General Guidelines for Proper Use
The following basic guidelines apply to our licensees’ uses of the International World Yoga Alliance trademarks, whether on web pages, in marketing or advertising materials, or in any other manner or medium:
Proper Form
If we license you to use the International World Yoga Alliance trademarks, we will provide you with trademark images or files to use. The trademarks should be used in the exact form we have provided you and they may not be abbreviated, changed or combined with any other words, symbols or letters.
Accompanying Symbol
Each of the International World Yoga Alliance trademarks listed above is a federally registered trademark, therefore the symbol “®” should be used immediately to the right of the trademark whenever the trademark is used.
The following notice should appear somewhere nearby (at least on the same page or on the credits page) with the first use of a International World Yoga Alliance trademark:
International World Yoga Alliance name, trademark(s) and logo(s) used herein are the intellectual property of International World Yoga Alliance.
Where the International World Yoga Alliance name is used, the trademark should be set apart from surrounding text by capitalization.
Use of International World Yoga Alliance Business Partnership Logos
International World Yoga Alliance business partnership logos (Exclusively Endorsed Partner, Endorsed Partner, Affinity Marketing Partner, and Associate Member) are for the official use of current approved International World Yoga Alliance business partners and may not be used by any other organizations or individuals. Information about how to become a International World Yoga Alliance business partner may be found on the International World Yoga Alliance website on our Become a Partner page.
Third Party Marks
International World Yoga Alliance does not determine trademark rights for non-International World Yoga Alliance marks. International World Yoga Alliance will not become involved in any trademark dispute arising from non-International World Yoga Alliance marks.
If you have any questions or become aware of any unauthorized use of any of the Trademarks, you can send an email to International World Yoga Alliance at info@internationalworldyogaalliance.org. Please include a copy or screenshot of the unauthorized use with the email.