Vision & Mission

International World Yoga Alliance Vision & Mission
It is gratifying to see the ancient art of Yoga revered by practitioners the world over. Unified by common goals and a shared purpose, this bond can be further strengthened through the International World Yoga Alliance body.
Our aim is to bring all the Yogis together regardless of their practise style under the International World Yoga Alliance roof and extend the reach of Yoga. The vision and mission is to increase awareness of the holistic benefits of Yoga. This can be done by promoting the various types of Yoga practiced in different schools across countries around the globe. We believe in the oneness of Yoga and our purpose is to spread the message of peace and harmony, which is the essence of Yogic Philosophy.
First, International World Yoga Alliance for teacher training programs serves the public by establishing minimum curricular standards relating to: yoga techniques, educational methodology, health and safety of the human body, and yoga principles and ethics. International World Yoga Alliance advances education by developing, monitoring, and improving standards for high-quality yoga instruction, and promotes health and safety of the public by providing a mechanism for aspiring yoga teachers to ensure that the training they receive covers fundamental health and safety basics as well as core yoga principles and techniques that are common to the diverse forms of yoga practice. Specialized standards are established for schools that train teachers in prenatal yoga techniques or to teach yoga to children, which require additional guidelines to accommodate the unique health and age-appropriate needs of these groups. The principal benefit from this activity is both educational and furthering the public interest in having information about the offerings of yoga teacher training programs. This is a public benefit and any private benefit to the schools is simply ancillary to the primary public benefit.
Second, International World Yoga Alliance serves the public by providing them a way to find yoga teachers who have completed their training at schools meeting International World Yoga Alliance minimum standards. International World Yoga Alliance conducts no certification test or independent assessment of Registered Yoga Teachers . Rather, the RYT credential is derivative of the Registered Yoga School and is entirely voluntary. This serves the public by providing an easy method for yoga students and practitioners to find yoga teachers who have received yoga teacher training that meets minimum standards in safety, anatomy, and yoga techniques and principles, without having to independently investigate the educational credentials and background of the yoga teachers. In addition, the specialized RYT registrations help members of the public find teachers with training in prenatal yoga or yoga techniques suitable for children. The principal benefit from this activity is in providing information to the public interest regarding the nature of the training received by yoga teachers so the public may make informed choices about their yoga instructors. This is a public benefit and any private benefit to the teachers is simply ancillary to the primary public benefit.
International World Yoga Alliance is a non-Profit organization and its registries include both for-profit and non-profit organizations and does not promote or prefer one group of schools or teachers over any other.